Children's stomachs are bloated
Children's stomachs are bloated
Children do not get relief from flatulence. Breastfeeding errors often cause gas in the baby's stomach. In many cases, air may enter the baby's stomach while feeding or swallowing milk through the feeder. This also causes gas in the baby's stomach. The newborn should be expelled immediately after eating to reduce flatulence or flatulence. After breastfeeding, move the baby from the left side of the mother's neck to the right side and move the hand from the top to the bottom of the baby's back so that the air is expelled.
After the age of six months, babies are given breast milk as well as outside food. This can also cause flatulence. The children's extra food consists of khichuri with different types of vegetables and fish-meat, fruits and eggs. In many cases, if the amount of these is too much in khichuri, there is a risk of gas. So, you should keep an eye on the food while giving extra food. For example, increasing the amount of raw banana or raw papaya by reducing the number of vegetables and pulses in khichuri. Give the fruit soft pieces or juice, it will help digestion and will reduce the tendency of gas in the baby's stomach.
If you notice that the baby's stomach is not getting
bloated even after following these procedures, the baby is crying excessively,
the stomach has become stiff, as well as vomiting, fever is felt, then consult
a doctor immediately. Remember, the child should never be given any medicine
before knowing the exact cause of the disease.
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